April 7, 2017 - The Public Sector construction market in the Mid-Atlantic Region (and across the US) has seen rapid and significant increases in project costs (as much as 15% to 20% in some instances). We have updated our data base and changed certain categories on recent submissions for projects to capture these rapid market changes. Accordingly, we will continue to read the current labor and materials market with regular updates to our cost data base. This information has been gathered through discussions with numerous Construction Owners, General Contractors and Subcontractors. We continue to evaluate the situation utilizing market surveys and interviews.
Construction industry leaders are calling upon public officials to act without delay to step up investments in skills based education programs and increase funding for Career and Technical Education / Workforce Development Plans. If you have a project pending which was estimated prior to Spring 2017 of this year, we would be happy to discuss a “limited update” which would address these factors driving today’s changed Bid Market. Please contact either myself, D. Daigle or Joe Adams to discuss these changes happening in the market.
Bill Downey
William G. Downey
Managing Principal