Downey & Scott performed value engineering services, life cycle cost analysis and cost estimating services for the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail Authority’s (SWVRJA) proposed regional jail system expansions and renovations for their facilities located in Abingdon, Duffield, and Haysi, VA.
The SWVRJA has undertaken an extensive planning effort over the course of the past two (2) years to address a significant and growing overcrowding problem in the existing regional jail system. Forecasts indicate that this problem will continue to worsen, therefore, a dual approach, which consists of an expansion of the existing SWVRJA system and commencing the process of implementing additional pre-trial/jail alternative.
In response to the findings of the Community-Based Corrections Plan (CBCP), the expansion of the SWVRJA system should be accomplished by the construction of fourteen (14) additional housing units as follows:
1) Abingdon: Six (6) units
2) Duffield: Four (4) units
3) Haysi: Four (4) units
Construction of the additional housing units, as noted above, is projected to increase the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC) rated capacity from 896 to 1408. The proposed expansion will add 512 general population beds and 80 special purpose beds. The additional housing units will interconnect with the existing jails where originally envisioned and will consist of a total of 79,345 GSF of new housing.
The workshop resulted in full development of twenty (20) design alternatives that offered the potential for $3,000,000 in potential first cost savings. Additional to the first cost savings for all three projects, the VE study provided the potential for $7,200,000 in life cycle cost savings.